How They Got There: Career Changers in Tech, Entertainment & More
Join us for a candid conversation with 4 successful mid-career changers as we discuss why we change careers, the challenges that come up, ways to overcome them, and how to pivot.
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Los Angeles
Career Change: Graphic Artist in Gaming Industry to Operations Developer at VR Startup
From the moment he picked up a pencil at the age of two, Simon spent his life training as an artist. After graduating with a B.S. in Transportation Design from Art Center College of Design, he actually entered the entertainment industry instead of the automotive industry, working on video games such as Guitar Hero and Call of Duty. After ten years of service, he was laid off. Soon after, he joined a VR startup company as Art Director and transitioned to developing business and marketing plans, which he enjoys. Simon is now part of another VR startup, Altered Mechanics, which specializes in highly immersive VR experiences. For the first time in his life he is identified not as an artist, but as an Operations Developer.
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