Sid Smith
Fine Artist, S D Smith Fine Art
Sid Smith is a creative artist, who has been painting for over 30 years, he has worked in numerous private and corporate collections both nationally and internationally. Sid has been featured in Art & Antiques Magazine, Cottage Living, Southern Accents, and other publications. You can also view his painting at Saks Fifth Ave Austin, Woodfire Grill, Turner Broadcasting, Ritz Carlton Shen Zhen, China and many more around the world.
Sid Smith is currently showing at Ponce Gallery in Ponce City Market located in Atlanta, GA.
"A theme that has always been present in my work is this human condition, we live, and how we live is the essence that we leave behind. My intent in creating is to have this poetic expression through the physicality of my painting and sculpture. I am very much into the process of building my art, and lose myself in its creation. If pressed for an explanation of why I did a certain piece a certain way I would have to say I was compelled to make it that way. For me, making my art is a need. In the way one may get hungry for food, I see this as a basic necessity to my being." - Sid Smith
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