Get your skills fit with our Let's Get Technical event series. March 11-27

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    Sam Reed Photo

    Sam Reed

    Chief Technology Officer,

    Hong Kong

    Sam is the CTO at, a software firm specializing in trademark and brand protection. He began his career in middle school as a freelance web programmer. After an 'it's-complicated' relationship with government contracting he was first employee at a few startups and CTO of He also runs, an open-source encrypted file sharing service.

    Sam builds applications with NodeJS, Polymer, Backbone, Angular, and whatever is at the top of Hacker News this week. He is finally learning ClojureScript. Honest.

    He can be found wherever Javascript is discussed and beer is plenty, especially at the Hong Kong Web Development meetups, giving a soliloquy about how some terrible JavaScript framework stole years of his youth. If you wear a NodeJS t-shirt he will slap you on the back and buy you a drink.

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