Sally Mansfield Photo

Sally Mansfield



I'm Sally, long time single parent, business owner dedicated to bigging up, loving up, dressing up and lifting up women, recent law graduate and late night poem scribbler.

Having lived all around the world I landed in London 4 years ago with a 5 year old, a couple of hundred quid, a rapidly fading tan and a massive dream. A dream of carving out a life my way, where I do what I love whilst being able to attend school plays, not have to ask anyone permission to go on holiday and surround myself with bad ass women. On some days I feel like I'm nearly there and some I feel like I'm at the bottom looking up but every day I love the journey more. Since starting over I have realised my strength as a woman, a mother and a business owner and I guess part of the greater picture is to create a platform to share that hope to other women who dare to dream.

Manners London is just the beginning...

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