Game Changers: Innovators in Ed-Tech
Technology is rapidly changing both the classroom and the way students learn. Come learn about the game-changers in this growing industry.
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Washington, D.C.
Roger Campbell II is a software engineer, an activist, a mentor, and an educator. Roger started his career in tech more than ten years ago with a burning desire to help positively change people's lives through tech. He worked his way through the ranks starting as a Help Desk Technician, then transitioned to Computer Networking, and then founded Gemstack, his own consulting company.
Roger is an alumnus of General Assembly. Later as a GA instructor, Roger guided and mentored more than 100 career changers into software engineering. As an activist, he writes about his personal experiences of being a Black man in America and speaks publicly to shed light on the social injustices that happen within American society.
As a Software Developer and Instructor at Code Differently, he helps build a more diverse tech industry by instructing and mentoring minority high school and college students into innovators and thought leaders.
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