Get your skills fit with our Let's Get Technical event series. March 11-27

Build your AI-ready workforce with insights from our State of Tech Talent 2025 report.

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    Randy Rayess Photo

    Randy Rayess

    Cofounder, VenturePact

    New York City

    Randy Rayess is the cofounder of VenturePact - a marketplace that connects companies to prescreened software development firms.

    VenturePact has worked with over 100 companies, assisting them in building remote software teams and sourcing IT vendors. Randy has specialized in screening and managing software development firms around the world. Through VenturePact, he has worked with software developers in the US, South America, Europe, Middle East and SouthEast Asia.

    Randy previously worked in private equity at SilverLake Partners and in machine learning. Randy completed a Masters in Systems Engineering at the University of Pennsylvania and a Bachelors of Science in Economics with concentration in Finance and Statistics from the Wharton School. You can reach out to him on Linkedin or Twitter.

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