Predictions and Polling: How Data Is Used In Politics
Hear from a panel of experts on the role data plays when it comes to campaigning, understanding constituents' needs, and more.
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Washington, D.C.
Patrick McGill is a digital strategist at Blueprint Interactive where he works on some of the largest digital campaigns in the country. Patrick currently works with Senate Majority PAC, End Citizens United, and Lizzie Fletcher for Congress on their digital persuasion efforts for the 2018 election.
Prior to joining Blueprint, Patrick was a Senior Associate with Precision Network, managing digital advertising campaigns for Democratic SuperPACs, progressive non-profits, and corporate branding efforts.
Before going "digital," Patrick was a Senior Strategist at Stones’ Phones developing voter contact programs for campaigns and organizations of all shapes and sizes including Obama for America, Tim Kaine for Senate, and the League of Conservation Voters.
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