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    Nirav Amin Photo

    Nirav Amin

    COO, TideSpin


    Nirav Amin has spent the bulk of his career in building ventures inside and outside of corporations. In the last 2 years, he's spent the majority of his time working for P&G to help build Tide Spin, an on-demand laundry & dry cleaning service based in Chicago, serving as the COO. Nirav is part of a team that is helping to build an innovation culture at P&G that thrives on entrepreneurial drive. Beyond that, he has spent time in the Chicago Startup Community, working with Startup Weekend and 1 Million Cups.

    Previously Nirav helped launch The Delta Program, an Android Bootcamp based in Austin, TX and also worked on technological projects in the event management space. His background is heavy in Supply Chain Management and Logistics, drawing experiences from major companies such as Sears Holdings Corp., Office Depot, US Foods, and McDonalds.

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