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Nikhil Muralidhar Photo

Nikhil Muralidhar

Data Scientist, The Washington Post

Washington, D.C.

Nikhil currently works a data scientist at The Washington Post, working primarily on personalization. He has worked on a range of applications at WaPo including article and newsletter recommendation, user segmentation, news article topic modeling, and multi-variant content testing. He has a Master's degree from George Mason University in Computer science, with a thesis on tag-based recommendation systems in news media. He obtained his BS degree in Computer Science from Virginia Tech.

Nikhil's initial foray into data science was mostly to satisfy a curiosity about the fragmented but ubiquitous field, hence his start in data science was extremely unstructured. But with time, he was able to understand the pre-requisites to be a productive data-scientist, and it is this knowledge and structure that he hopes to impart to students who are curious about diving into this field just like he was a few years ago.

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