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    Mongchin Yeoh Photo

    Mongchin Yeoh



    Bloggerati by Nuffnang

    Mong Chin, otherwise lovingly known as "mongabong" to her readers, is the founder of her website, Through the site, Mong shares about her love for fashion, beauty, and lifestyle.

    Mongabong started in 2012, as a personal diary of Mong Chin. She was an avid reader of blogs and would often spend hours before the computer reading about the things she loved, following the personalities she looked up to. Mong realized how much these bloggers had impacted her life, from the clothes she would wear, to the purchasing of an eyeliner. Mong aspired to be as helpful to her friends, so in 2013, she started weaving in fashion tips, product and food recommendations, and much more, on her blog.

    The passion did not die there, and after a year, she decided to join the largest social media agency in Southeast Asia, Nuffnang. Through her blog and other platforms like Instagram, Dayre, and Youtube, Mong interacts with her followers daily and continues to share her life and passions with them.

    Today, Mongabong is one of Nuffnang Singapore’s Top influencers and Bloggerati Personalities.

    Follow her on Dayre at

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