Get your skills fit with our Let's Get Technical event series. March 11-27

Build your AI-ready workforce with insights from our State of Tech Talent 2025 report.

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    Mocha Brown Photo

    Mocha Brown

    Junior Software Engineer, Lob

    Los Angeles

    Mocha is a Junior Software Engineer at Lob, working remotely from Detroit, Michigan. Lob is her first job in tech, as she graduated from GA in April of 2021.

    Outside of work, Mocha is an artist. She loves to create and unlike what she had initially thought, creativity is a great skill to have as a software engineer.

    Prior to Lob, she was in retail for several years, she worked through the pandemic and it was a very tough experience for her.

    She is incredibly grateful to have found her way into the tech field and often encourage others like her to drop their insecurities and preconceived notions about entering tech and really research if it would be a good fit for them!

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