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    Michael Greenberg Photo

    Michael Greenberg

    CEO and Founder,

    Los Angeles

    Michael Greenberg is the CEO and founder of, a venture backed startup in California at the vanguard of cutting edge Machine Learning automation (Lead Investor: Comcast Ventures). counts Dollar Shave Club, NBCUniversal, and Madison-Reed among its clients.

    Based in Los Angeles, CA, offers a suite of bespoke automated algorithms focusing on fine grain customer level analytics which help you optimize sales/marketing channels (ie. Predictive LTV, Customer Seg, Time-Series Anomaly Detection, Churn, Customer Migration, etc.). We believe that with the explosion of data facing many organizations, current BI Visualization tools fail to detect or source new insights, somewhat akin to searching for a needle in a haystack. Our services are designed to help the needle find you.

    Before Retina, Michael was the Michael was the CEO and Founder of ScaleFunder, a leading global crowdfunding platform, until its acquisition by Summit Partners in 2014. An official UCLA technology spinout company, revolutionizing online giving and data analysis in higher education, the ScaleFunder technology platform has grown to become the leading custom crowdfunding solution for institutions of higher education in the United States.

    Prior to launching ScaleFunder, Michael was the Director of Innovation & Strategic Initiatives at the University of California, Los Angeles. In this role, Michael helped to foster interdisciplinary research initiatives and establish novel funding streams.

    During his tenure he helped create Startup UCLA, UCLA's first student technology accelerator. Additionally, Michael assisted in the establishment of a new X-Prize to be hosted by UCLA. He has also served as Director of Global Business Development at UCLA, where he managed and designed a portfolio of major corporate partnerships.

    He upsets his mother by being a licensed deep water scuba diver and skydiver.

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