The Rise of the Maker Movement
We've invited the most influential maker movement advocates and founders in Sydney to get a glimpse into the state of the maker movement in Australia.
Adobe Digital Academy, now available for marketers and creatives in the US, UK, and India.
Adobe Digital Academy, now available for marketers and creatives in the US, UK, and India.
Meow-Ludo is a passionate maker with the belief that biotechnology holds the answers to solve a range of worldwide scale problems. He has co-founded Australia's first biohackspace, BioFoundry. BioFoundry allows members of the general public to come and co-create and explore molecular biology.
BioFoundry is part of the worldwide maker movement and adds into a growing number of independent labs set up with the goal of lowering the technological and cost barrier of gene modification technologies. This movement is termed DIY-Bio or biohacking and has created both controversy and hope. DIY-Bio projects currently in progress include glowing plants and vegan cheeses.
Meow-Ludo has a background in molecular biology and is passionate about sharing his knowledge and vision of creating grassroots change through citizen science combined with genetic engineering.
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