Using Transferrable Skills to Land a Tech Job With a Non-tech Background
Come along and learn what it takes to land both technical and non-technical roles at a company you are actually excited about!
Get your skills fit with our Let's Get Technical event series. March 11-27
Build your AI-ready workforce with insights from our State of Tech Talent 2025 report.
SWE Recruiter turned Developer, I started my career after falling in love with the programming subject matter and helping over a hundred people find new roles. This led me to explore the wider marketplace, understand critical business problems, what teams were actually working on to solve them, and what skills were most valuable in a well rounded engineer as they made each step in their career.
Always a technophile at heart I chose to make my transition over a year ago and have slowly worked towards it ever since, culminating in my completion of formal education with one of my favourite institutions to hire career changers from: General Assembly.
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