discover the current state of the travel industry and how, once again, technology and female entrepreneurship are building the next TourisTech wave
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The "customer experience" is the next competitive battleground! For years this strapline has been the driving force behind many online retail (r)evolutions. But, whilst companies have perfected the art of frictionless shopping they have failed to incorporate a past component that made choosing to shop at the same store each day, week or month so easy, TRUST.
I am on a mission in the travel industry, through the application of Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Analytical Driven Insights (ADI) to create a #travelshift towards digital trust and sustainable growth and not a race to the bottom.
Working together, I am helping the travel sellers innovate and identify new ways to inspire, excite and engage their customers through an end-to-end journey that is trusted. Moving them towards the goal of delivering a digital human experience.
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