The Future of Volunteering
Learn about the volunteering issues facing not for profits and how you can help solve this through non-traditional engagement... Welcome to the future of volunteering in Australia.
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Matt is the Co-Founder and CEO of Vollie an online marketplace that is unlocking a new style of skills-based remote volunteering. Vollie connects non-profit needs with the skills and experience of modern day professionals. Vollie projects are exclusively online, meaning that people can support the causes they care about from any location, and around their busy schedule.
Matthew has 10+ years marketing and business development experience which spans across start-ups, ad agencies and corporate land. Matt decided to quit his job at the end of 2015 and get to work on Vollie.
Vollie was inspired by Matthew’s extensive volunteering experience and love of working with NFP’s. Since arriving in Melbourne in 2008, Matt’s volunteering activity has included supporting children’s charities, mental health NFP’s, animal welfare groups and environmental causes. He has also been responsible for running projects that have contributed close to $2 million for NFP organisations.
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