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    Mark T. Smith Photo

    Mark T. Smith

    Founder / Chief Startup Officer, Breed Worldwide


    Art, Commerce and Education. These are the three constant themes in my career. Art has always been the primary driver in my life. From an early age it was the focus of my passion and discipline. I have worked as an Illustrator, an Animator, a Fine Artist, a Designer, Art Director, and Creative Director over my career.

    My passion for the Arts, coupled with a strong natural predisposition toward entrepreneurial activities lead me to start several businesses over my career. I have built several companies from start-ups to multi-million dollar enterprises and overseen the strategic growth of established firms. I have learned over the years that my expertise is best utilized creating new ventures and bringing the full force of innovation practices to bear on older ones. Put simply, I am an agent of change.

    The third category of Education has been a constant in my career. Early on, I learned the value of a great teacher or mentor’s influence on my life and career. I have always taught or mentored throughout my entire career including institutions such as; Parsons School of Design, University of the Arts and Pratt Institute.

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