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    Maria Hettel Photo

    Maria Hettel

    Yogi and Mindfulness Practitioner

    San Francisco

    Maria Hettel’s mother is Filipina, her father is American. Both from rural, agricultural towns, she grew up fortunate enough to visit these places throughout her upbringing. She grew up belonging to both and neither at the same time. Deeply influenced by both cultures, she is passionate about sustainable agriculture and women's rights. A year ago, after serving in Ghana as a Peace Corps Volunteer, she moved to the Bay Area to manage a naturopathic clinic in Palo Alto.

    She received her 200-hour Yoga teacher training certification at Tranquil Space in Washington D.C. She has led classes and workshops in Washington D.C. and Ghana. Currently, she has been cultivating her own Yoga and Mindfulness practice before looking to teach in the Bay Area.

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