Make Trouble: Design for Change
We have paired up with Design for Change to host an evening of flash talks with design masters who are challenging design conventions and causing trouble in the design world.
Get your skills fit with our Let's Get Technical event series. March 11-27
Build your AI-ready workforce with insights from our State of Tech Talent 2025 report.
Marc Martin is an award-winning illustrator based in Melbourne. Having previously worked as a graphic designer, his moonlighting as an illustrator eventually led him to a successful career in illustration. He has been commissioned by various clients including Penguin Books UK, Monocle magazine, Wired magazine, The Financial Review, and The Australian Centre for the Moving Image. He is also the author and illustrator of four books, A Forest, The Curious Explorers Illustrated Guide to Exotic Animals A-Z, Max and A River, all published by Penguin Books Australia.
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