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    Lily Wu Photo

    Lily Wu

    Startup Partner Lead, SEA, Stripe


    Lily Wu is currently the Startup Partner Lead, SEA at Stripe. Previously, she was immersed in the startup world where she bootstrapped two 7-figure businesses from the ground up. She expanded her 2nd startup, Austern International across APAC, US and Europe, in which she exited in 2018. She then went to become the Head of Programs for NewCampus, a Series A edutech startup based in Singapore as well as program managed H2 Ventures' accelerator program- Australia's largest fintech, big data and AI accelerator. She is the founding ambassador of Future Females Singapore, a global organisation dedicated to helping female entrepreneurs get the resources and connections they need to succeed and often runs design thinking workshops for VCs and companies across APAC. Fun fact, she is also an illustrator, published author and has a black belt in Japanese martial arts, Taido.

    She is the cofounder of WOW Pixies, the first social DAO that invests in women and diversity-led projects in web3.

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