Shareflo's Private Beta Launch Party
Don't miss this event, featuring an exciting panel of investors and founders, in celebration of the launch of Shareflo's private beta release!
Adobe Digital Academy, now available for marketers and creatives in the US, UK, and India.
Adobe Digital Academy, now available for marketers and creatives in the US, UK, and India.
New York City
Laurel Touby is an entrepreneur, advisor and investor. Laurel Touby founded, a website that revolutionized the way people in the media industry do business, connect and communicate. During her time as CEO, she pulled the company through two recessions, pivoted, managed growth with minimal resources and developed audience via guerrilla and social marketing (before that term existed). Laurel began investing in seed-stage startups, including: AdYapper, Appboy, Apploi, Buddie, Clef, CreativeWorx, Fashion GPS, Learn Immersive and Pivit. She is an LP in Lowercase Ventures (with holdings in Twitter, Uber, etc.) and in Pershing Square, among others. Laurel is active as a public speaker and hosted "Secrets of Successful Startups" on CBS Interactive. An inveterate connector, Laurel touches the entrepreneurial community in various ways, including via her monthly co-hosted Cereal Entrepreneurs breakfast, Flatiron Investor meetings and Startup Digital Dinners. She lives in a loft in Silicon Alley and is married to Jon Fine, Author of "Your Band Sucks" and Executive Editor of Inc. Magazine.
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