Get your skills fit with our Let's Get Technical event series. March 11-27

Build your AI-ready workforce with insights from our State of Tech Talent 2025 report.

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    Larry Marine Photo

    Larry Marine

    Director of UX, Intuitive Design


    Larry Marine is a UX consultant who studied under Don Norman, the father of UX, and brings that knowledge to the UX world. He is responsible for some of the most successful website, software, and medical device designs; names like Proflowers, Vanguard Mutual Funds, American Airlines, and FedEx. He shares his 30 years of UX experience with Colorado startups and his latest designs have tripled the revenues of a Colorado Springs startup (Space Together). If you are on LinkedIn, you will likely haves seen his many posts, which seem to attract a lot of praise from UX designers of all levels. Come listen for yourself to see why so many Users value Larry’s input. It’s not typically the same thing you’ll hear from the rest of the UX world.

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