Get your skills fit with our Let's Get Technical event series. March 11-27

Build your AI-ready workforce with insights from our State of Tech Talent 2025 report.

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    Kyle Cañamar Photo

    Kyle Cañamar

    Instructional Associate, General Assembly


    Kyle Cañamar is a software engineer with a passion for full-stack development. He became interested in software engineering to learn how to create sustainable, accessible, and open source solutions no matter what the obstacle. Prior to entering the tech industry, Kyle contributed to the Restaurant/Hospitality, Commercial Construction, along with Retail as a Supervisor/Lead Trainer.

    These days, you can find Kyle busy learning about Startups and IaaC solutions. In his spare time he enjoys his time with his adoring wife, and 3 boys as they go camping, hiking, or outdoor adventure.

    Student Feedback:

    "Thank you Kyle! Lots of support, lots of knowledge shared with all of us and great explanation of the class materials. "

    "Always committed to my learning and willing to help! Provides a wide range of knowledge and shares genuinely."

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