Women Who Win: Winning Career Transitions
Whether in business or in life, we have decisions to make. How do you make the right choice? These women have been there and they know how to win. Join us and see for yourself.
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Dr. Kenya Oduor partners with organizations, helping them to improve their user research, solution definition, and design practices and outcomes. She enjoys helping organizations define the set of Design Thinking practices that make sense for their organization, including team collaboration and design sprints, improved problem/opportunity definition, innovation, and user validation activities. Her career as a user experience practitioner and leader in the software solution space spans over 18 years. Dr. Oduor has a doctorate in Human Factors. Her training in Human Factors included coursework in applied experimental psychology, cognitive psychology and industrial engineering. She is also an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Computer Science at NC State University, where she teaches Human-Computer Interaction.
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