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    Kelsey Gilbert-Kreiling Photo

    Kelsey Gilbert-Kreiling

    Co-Founder and Lead Developer, Week of the Website


    Kelsey Gilbert-Kreiling is the Co-founder and Creative Director of Week of the Website and Presence Agency. Leading a team of developers and project managers alongside her with business partner and creative collaborator Mallory Ulaszek, Kelsey helps make efficient, beautiful websites and e-commerce stores come to life with their brands Week of the Website and Virtual Gala Resource. In 2014, Kelsey partnered with Mallory to create Presence, an event production and website development studio. Working closely with nonprofits and corporations to produce large-scale events and fundraisers over 5 years, Presence saw an opportunity online and became an idea house and incubator, where Mallory and Kelsey now focus on starting and growing internet-based business and software start-ups. Their first project, Week of the Website, which builds websites in 5 days, has built over 250 websites to date. They've most recently launched Virtual Gala Resource to support non-profits as they bring their fundraising online.

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