Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained: How to Get Where You Want to Go
Join us for an evening of networking, tips, tricks, and stories from five inspiring entrepreneurs and creatives about pursuing what you love.
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Julie Likes Food started in 2016 after toying with the idea of going to culinary school. Instead, she spent her time exploring the Denver dining scene, capturing her time on Instagram. From there grew a blog (julielikesfood.com) to share photography, recipes, guides and more.
Jersey girl, turned mountain lover, she like a strong drink and a soft pretzel. She's worked in the food and beverage industry for over (5) years with experience in both the front and back of house. Her goal is to create community through food and loves any chance to learn how to cook.
Julie has a degree in Marketing and Management from Elon University and spends her free time reading, going to spin class and watching make-up tutorials.
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