Get your skills fit with our Let's Get Technical event series. March 11-27

Build your AI-ready workforce with insights from our State of Tech Talent 2025 report.

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    Joy Haugen Photo

    Joy Haugen

    Global Outcomes Operations Manager + Senior Career Coach, General Assembly


    Joy Haugen has a passion for helping individuals live the life they have always imagined...whether that be a new career, tackling a new adventure, or finding that new tribe of powerhouse people to surround themselves with! Joy brings possibility and creativity to inspire others and make a difference.

    With her corporate background and current role as a Global Outcomes Operations Manager and Senior Career Coach for General Assembly, Joy Haugen offers close to a decade of experience in identifying value-driven solutions that cultivate strong relationships and establish effective business practices. She devises practical strategies for maximizing and supporting the strategic goals of an organization while keeping the human capital as her driving force. Her tactics lead to integrated, innovative, and effective processes that evoke results to ensure that individuals are reaching their full potential!

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