The Future of Digital Marketing in 2019
Digital marketers will predict trends and give us insight into what they believe will be most important digital marketing strategy or tactic to plan for in 2019.
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Los Angeles
Jonathan Saeidian is the Founder & CEO of Brenton Way, a digital marketing agency that drives growth for brands & ventures.
He started his journey in the music industry where he began promoting for events in Hollywood. He soon landed an opportunity with DASH Radio, working in A&R helping upcoming talent with music licensing and brand partnerships.
He took his passion to create a new music platform called Take Sessions that allows you to book music lessons with talented musicians. The company built unique relationships with music academies such as USC Thornton, The Grammy's Foundation, & Mumo Productions.
While studying at CSUN, he received a private round of funding and a grant from the David Nazarian foundation which set him on the course to creating his marketing agency.
Brenton Way combines Jonathans pragmatic mindset for growth with his creative passion for storytelling to build meaningful campaigns. In its first year in business, the fully bootstrapped agency has gone on to work with brands such as Sephora, Classpass, Regus, & Wipro.
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