Ladies Lounge | Kickass Women Slaying the Creative World
Inspiring female leaders from the tech and creative world share their learnings, failings and secrets of success in a fun format.
Get your skills fit with our Let's Get Technical event series. March 11-27
Build your AI-ready workforce with insights from our State of Tech Talent 2025 report.
By day Jenny is a Software Designer on Cloud Infrastructure at IBM in Austin, Texas. By night she's still a Software Designer, but you'll probably find her doing other stuff, too. Like being outside, forcing her dog to cuddle with her, trying new vegetarian recipes, or over-committing to DIY projects. At IBM, She works with developers, offering managers, and architects to design software for Virtual Private Cloud, load balancers, security groups, access control lists, and other very computer-y things. Jenny believes everything can be explained in a simple way, which is what drew her to engage in such a technical space.
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