Adobe Digital Academy, now available for marketers and creatives in the US, UK, and India.

Adobe Digital Academy, now available for marketers and creatives in the US, UK, and India.

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Jen Evans Lemerand Photo

Jen Evans Lemerand

Creative Director at cchange, inc., Chapter Director at SheSays Chicago


Creative director at Chicago agency c|change, inc, leading a team of 10+ traditional and digital designers. Our range of clients include a leading global professional services company focusing on B2B marketing, to B2C companies with unique programming in the local community.

Chapter director at @SheSaysChicago, the only global group dedicated to mentorship and networking for women in the creative and marketing industries.

Jen is known for her involvement in the creative community, as well as her funky upside-down glasses, which have become a metaphor for her approach to compelling design. Follow her on Twitter @UpsideDwnGlsses.

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