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    Jeff Patra Photo

    Jeff Patra

    Data Scientist, Mediacom


    My previous work experience was in the oil and gas sector where my primary role was evaluating oil and gas wells. I worked closely with geologists, geophysicist, and engineers to explore and develop oil fields. This career path provided me global opportunities to work in Canada and Australia.

    Due to market contraction in 2016, I was forced to rethink my career path. In early 2017 I decided to re-skill and explore data science as a new career. After much research, I decided on the General Assembly Data Science Immersive course and was part of the DSi2 cohort.

    With a little luck, I landed a role at Mediacom within Data Solutions group. My primary client is KFC (yes, the fast-food chain) analyzing product performance, marketing analytics, and operational data. So far it's been fantastic! It's mostly exploring data and finding insights with occasional machine learning applications. Every day I’m challenged by something new. Sometimes it’s cold calling a client, presenting my findings, fixing broken code or asking someone I don't know for help.

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