Janet George
"Fellow" Chief Data Officer / Scientist / Big Data / Cognitive Computing, Western Digital
New York City
Janet is a technical leader with more than 15 years of experience in Big Data Platform, machine learning, distributed computing, compliers and Artificial Intelligence. At Western Digital, Janet builds global core competencies, shaping, driving and implementing the Big Data platform, products and technologies, using advanced analytics and pattern matching with semiconductor manufacturing data from the ground up. Prior, Janet served as managing director/chief scientist/Big Data expert at Accenture technology labs, responsible for Big Data Platform, Machine Learning, Cognitive Computing and open-innovation. She has served as head of Yahoo Labs/Research Engineering inventing next generation platforms, cloud infrastructures and machine learning for Big Data as well as at eBay and Apple amongst others. Janet holds a Bachelors and Advanced Master Degree with distinction in Computer Science, mathematics, with a thesis focus on Artificial Intelligence.
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