Kickass Womxn Slaying the World
Inspiring female leaders from the tech world share their learnings, failings and secrets of success in a fun format.
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As Managing Director for Spotify Australia and New Zealand, Jane leads a team of forty in defending and growing Spotify’s market-leading position, implementing the commercial model, partnerships and overall market approach.
For more than 25 years Jane has built a career based on innovation, technology and disruption. Working across blue chip organisations – Microsoft, Vodafone, Fairfax, and Pandora in Australia and internationally, Jane has had roles spanning systems engineering, through to sales,
marketing, channel management, CEO and MD.
A previous non-executive board director, Jane also works as a mentor, focusing on female led startups through the accelerator programs SheStarts (Blue Chilli) and Slingshot. Jane is also an ambassador for the Big Day Off – a charity supporting Australians affected by spinal cord injury. Jane is a graduate of the Institute of Company Directors (GAICD) and holds a degree in Change Management from AGSM.
There are times when Jane refuses to believe that the 80’s are over, and is known to pop on the fluro shirt, the headband and a platform heel, sipping on a very oaky chardonnay whilst listening to 80’s Popped! Don’t judge.
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