Lifelong Learning in the Digital Age
The digital age is here. Join GA for a conversation about how you can not just adapt, but thrive in it.
Get your skills fit with our Let's Get Technical event series. March 11-27
Build your AI-ready workforce with insights from our State of Tech Talent 2025 report.
Inder started his "second career" a year ago, where he is founder of SKALR Group - a startup consultancy that helps startups and businesses scale through offering "B2B Sales as a Service". Inder has worked with Melbourne University Entrepreneurship Centre and MAP (Melbourne Accelerator Program). He is currently working with Code-for-Australia a not for profit that helps intersect citizen developers and human-centered designers with government on Social Innovation. He is also an advisor and mentor to local Australian start-ups centred on FutureTech and Sustainability.
Inder has over 20 years of experience in technology sales with IBM and Gartner having held executive and general management positions in US, Canada and APAC in working with Enterprise and SME clients. He has led a number of workplace diversity initiatives to improve the talent pipeline of women, culturally and linguistically diverse, LGBT, indigenous, and people with disabilities constituents.
He recently completed the Web Development Immersive program (WDI) in 2018 with General Assembly, holds a degree in Mathematics from Canada, and Strategy and Leadership from Harvard.
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