How FoodTech Ensures Our Food Security Beyond Covid-19
In this session, learn how FoodTech will change the way we eat for the better.
Get your skills fit with our Let's Get Technical event series. March 11-27
Build your AI-ready workforce with insights from our State of Tech Talent 2025 report.
As the EVP of TurtleTree, Hon Mun Yip supports our management team in identifying gaps in the business and developing a plan to bridge them with the team. In the past, HonMun has made miracles happen: not only did he help growing businesses raise billions of funding, but he also saved companies from bankruptcy and revived one of them with $1M of sales. Motivated by helping TurtleTree deliver the first commercial-grade product to market, HonMun brings the company his operational excellence experience and assists startups in realizing their potential. We are grateful for having HonMun onboard with us to achieve our common goal together.
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