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    Gurpreet Kaur Photo

    Gurpreet Kaur, Charter Communications


    Gurpreet has a son who is diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Gift (termed ADHD medically). She is striving to better understand an ADHD brain so she can provide a nurturing and holistic learning environment for her son. She got introduced to the world of accessibility when Charter (Spectrum) Communications hired her as an Accessibility Consultant back in 2013. She had the privilege of laying the foundations for "Spectrum Accessibility Office" that comprises of 26 members today, half of them have a disability. Being a woman of color, Gurpreet has had her share of challenges dealing with unconscious bias in past, which has helped her grow to be a strong advocate of Inclusion. Her professional mission is to make significant positive impact on sentiment of our customers and employees with disabilities.

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