(Under)Represented in Tech
In the last several years an increasing number of people from diverse backgrounds have transitioned into tech as professionals and leaders
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Washington, D.C.
Faizan lives and works in the San Francisco Bay Area. He has spent the last 4 years building a career in high-tech sales, market strategy and client management. His current role is with Google where he works with Startups and digital companies and helps them solve real-world problems by adopting innovative technologies such as Cloud and Artificial Intelligence. Prior to this, Faizan graduated from UCLA with a degree in Sociology & Economics, where he had transferred from a community college. Personally, Faizan was born and raised in Pakistan and immigrated to the US in 2010. Given his unique and intersectional background, Faizan strives to be a resource for those belonging to underrepresented and marginalized groups.
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