Real Talk, Real Solutions: A Panel on Solving Tech's Diversity Issues
We are all aware that the tech sector has a problem with diversity. It's time to talk about solutions.
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Ellie Day is a freelance software engineer, and advocate for diversity in tech. Currently, she works with Fresh U, an online publication for freshmen in college, as their lead developer, and is the technical advisor for mRelief, a web and SMS-based platform enabling individuals to check their eligibility for public benefit programs such as food stamps. In addition, she tutors multiple students a week, helping them work through tough coding problems.
As a queer trans woman, she’s dedicated to making tech inclusive and accessible to LGBTQ women. By collaborating with women in tech and participating in initiatives such as LGBTQ Tech & Innovation Summit held annually at The White House, she helps improve the current state of diversity in tech.
Always furthering her education, she often builds useful applications and participates in hackathons, placing in multiple events, such as 1st place in Startup Weekend Chicago in February 2015.
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