Get your skills fit with our Let's Get Technical event series. March 11-27

Build your AI-ready workforce with insights from our State of Tech Talent 2025 report.

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    Elaine Ng Photo

    Elaine Ng

    Founder and CEO, AI Shophouse


    Elaine Ng is a career technologist who has recently founded AI Shophouse, a boutique AI consultancy that focuses on empowering thought leaders to

    accelerate their AI journeys. After graduating from the University of New South Wales in Sydney with a Computer Science degree, Elaine started her career as a C++ developer, before moving to London, New York, San Francisco and now Singapore, to work for some of the world's leading banks and consultancies. She is specialised in Agile and Design Thinking, and people-focused transformation, and passionate about technology inclusion, especially in emerging technologies such as AI. Elaine is currently completing a doctorate at Warwick Business School in the UK, focusing on the use of AI narratives and storytelling techniques to enable inclusive innovation. This research enabled her to combine her solid technical background with her love of literature. She decided to found AI Shophouse in order to bring these inclusive innovation and collaboration methods to a wider audience.

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