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    Dr Yau Teng Yan.  MBBS, MMed, FRCR Photo

    Dr Yau Teng Yan. MBBS, MMed, FRCR

    Chief Medical Officer, Holmusk


    Dr Yau Teng Yan (MBBS, M.Med, FRCR) is Chief Medical Officer at Holmusk, a healthcare company that leverages technology and data science to deliver effective, engaging and scalable digital programmes for people living with chronic diseases like diabetes. His current work also includes a grant from the Ministry of Health on a technology-driven intervention programme for dementia prevention, and with the Health Promotion Board on a digital health coaching intervention for overweight & obese children.

    Prior to Holmusk, Teng Yan was a practicing doctor for 7 years in several public hospitals in Singapore including Tan Tock Seng Hospital and Singapore General Hospital. He trained in diagnostic radiology and is a fellow of the Royal College of Radiologists (London). He has also worked at the Military Medicine Institute where he was involved in health policy decisions and health screening initiatives in the Singapore Armed Forces.

    He is a big believer that technology and artificial intelligence will transform the delivery of healthcare, to achieve better outcomes, reduced costs and improved patient experience.

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