How She Got There: Women in AI & Robotics
Discover from our panel of innovative women in technology as they share their insights and advice into being a woman in AI and Robotics
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Dr. Wang Bo, Angela is an Assistant Professor at SUTD since September 2020. Her research interests span various aspects of energy-efficient computing systems, architecture and circuit design, including on-device artificial intelligence, neuromorphic computing, biomedical wearables and ultra-low voltage memories. Her research work was featured by The Straits Times in 2020 and filed as a Singapore patent. She was the recipient of IEEE Circuits & Systems Seoul Chapter Award in 2014.
Dr. Wang received her Ph.D. degree from Nanyang Technological University in 2015. Prior to joining SUTD, she was a research fellow with the Department of Computer Science at National University of Singapore. She is an IEEE senior member.
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