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    Diego Rodriguez Photo

    Diego Rodriguez

    Filmmaker, Ironsmith Films


    Diego A. Rodriguez C. is award-winning filmmaker based in Denver, Colorado.

    He's won Filmmaker of the Year through the RAW Artist Program - Denver, won numerous Telly's and Communicator Awards, among others, and has been nominated for an Emmy.

    He presently operates under Ironsmith Films for commercial directing and freelances in creative direction, production and post-production. Ironsmith Films works with a network of filmmakers in LA, NYC, and Denver to produce result-driven branded content. While not working in advertising, works in independent film, pitches and develops television content. Diego has a screenwriting manager based in LA, and produces short films and documentaries. Long standing clients include that national Spanish Langauge show Xfinity Latino and Boulder/Denver ad agencies with respective international clients and national clients.

    When Diego's not working on filmmaking ventures, he's often listening to history podcasts or sketching on various art-pads. He is an actor represented by Maximum Talent.

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