How She Got There: An Evening with DC Entrepreneurs
We welcome DC's leading businesswomen for an evening of discussion on their journey to becoming a successful entrepreneur.
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Washington, D.C.
Deloris Wilson is Head of Strategy and Operations at BEACON: The DC Women Founders Initiative and concurrently serves as an Inclusive Innovation Fellow at the Institute for Technology Law and Policy at Georgetown Law. As an entrepreneurial ecosystem builder, journalist, social entrepreneur and social impact strategist, she has developed a variety of start-up ventures including co-founding the Islands Innovation Institute in Sint Maarten and leading content strategy for PushBlack, the nation's first text-based civic engagement platform for African-Americans - now reaching over one million subscribers daily. As the creator of NEUPRINT, Deloris seeks to amplify new majority founders with unconventional models of business design. As an Alabama native with professional experience across seven countries, Deloris holds an MPA from Harvard Kennedy School of Government, a JD from Georgetown Law and BA, summa cum laude from Spelman College.
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