Nonprofit Edition: How Data Can Be Leveraged For Good
Join us for an evening focused on do-gooders using data to do what they do best (do good).
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Dee Dee DeVuyst is a bilingual program manager with more than 8 years of management experience in the nonprofit, private, and government sectors. She has developed and implemented multilateral initiatives that pursue community advocacy, social equity, and policy change through the intersection of design, strategic partnerships, and equitable development.
Currently, Dee Dee is the Program Manager of Equitable Development at Radian, an architecture and urban design nonprofit, where she uses innovative design strategies to elevate and respond to the voice of underserved and underrepresented communities by co-creating programs, tools, and policy recommendations that mitigate involuntary displacement and ensure Denver's economic growth equitably benefits everyone.
She holds Master’s degrees in Architecture and Environmental Engineering, is a board member of an international nonprofit, and a returned Peace Corps volunteer. Dee Dee is an avid globetrotter, a gardening enthusiast, and a bike commuter.
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