Marketing Week | Community Management for Digital Marketers
An overview of community management, strategies to grow a community from scratch and create short-and long-term engagement, and resources available for community managers.
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Dee Dee Becker is a marketing consultant out of Virginia Beach, Virginia with more than three decades of offline and online community management experience in health care and higher education. Her talents include crafting and telling the stories of health care heroes and others "doing good" for the communities they serve. Ask her about the time a Navy jet crashed in Virginia Beach (all survived), or when a hospital patient caused a shocking stir with a fake bomb threat – and present day, how she manages critical Covid-19 discussions in online communities – her most challenging exercises in crisis management. Nothing energizes Dee Dee more than leveraging the power of social media to maximize online presence, build and engage communities and strengthen brand loyalty. As lead admin for the Virginia Tech Parents Facebook group and moderator for the nationally acclaimed and award-winning Grown and Flown Parents group, Dee Dee is wildly exhilarated by sharing (and commiserating in) the wiles and trials of parenthood - and she never lacks inspiration for an entertaining story.
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