Get your skills fit with our Let's Get Technical event series. March 11-27

Build your AI-ready workforce with insights from our State of Tech Talent 2025 report.

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    David Benigson Photo

    David Benigson

    Founder & CEO, Signal Media Ltd


    David is Founder and CEO of Signal, the country’s leading media monitoring and marketing intelligence company. An experienced technology expert and entrepreneur, David founded Signal with his two colleagues in his parents north-west London garage in 2013. Fast forward three years and Signal is already changing the face of media analysis with its purpose-built intelligence platform.

    A law graduate, David has had experience as an advisor for the Jamie Oliver Foundation and worked for platforms, ‘A Little Bird’ and ‘The Creative Directory’ before founding Signal.

    With access to over 3.5 million news and blog sources every day, Signal’s large-scale text analytics system unlocks knowledge and insight from unstructured textual data, enabling organisations to solve complex information challenges and providing a competitive advantage for their clients.

    David believes Signal’s success is down to the importance of their core pillars to: monitor (get signal), analyse (get insight), act (get results) and measure (learn and evolve).

    "We see the world in real-time, not in a 24 hour news cycle"

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