Slack + GA present: Being Human - The Future of Brand Voice in a Social World
We're partnering with Slack to present a fireside chat with Slack’s Editorial Director Anna Pickard over breakfast at Slack HQ in Melbourne.
Get your skills fit with our Let's Get Technical event series. March 11-27
Build your AI-ready workforce with insights from our State of Tech Talent 2025 report.
One of Isobar’s very first employees, Dave took the reigns of Executive Creative Director in 2014. Since then, he’s grown Isobar’s creative team into one of the nation’s largest.
Championing the use of new techniques and technologies to make complex things simple, stories engaging and ‘the incredible' accessible, his leadership across design and campaign work has been recognised across the globe at the highest level.
With a background in design and filmmaking, Dave loves finding new ways to tell stories. From producing feature films in Africa and directing documentaries in Europe, to creating campaigns for some of Australia’s biggest brands, he knows how to captivate an audience and inspire those around him.
Dave’s excited by the world and has a nerdy quest for knowledge that helps him understand, inform and entertain audiences, users and clients. In his spare time he produces the live performance series sideshowalley.tv and loves spending time exploring the outdoors.
From producing feature films in Africa and directing documentaries in Europe, to creating campaigns for some of Australia’s biggest brands, he knows how to captivate and inspire an audience.
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