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Hong Kong
Danny is a co-Founder and Director at ITS Education Asia which operates non-mainstream schools both in Hong Kong and online as well as a range of educational consultancy and support services.
A graduate of the University of Oxford, Danny arrived in Hong Kong in 1997 to teach English and quickly added Geography and school management to his job description. He co-founded ITS Education Asia in 2005 with a teaching colleague, setting out to provide alternative learning pathways to Hong Kongers so that those not benefiting from traditional models, or indeed being excluded from them, could find a route to further learning and careers.
ITS has grown from 3 to 60 staff and now has students across Asia, the Middle East and East Africa as well as traditional locations such as UK and US. Danny continues to pursue the goal of providing choice and opportunity to all by rejecting systemic, top-down approaches to education and using flexible organisational approaches and of course technology to implement truly learner-centred education while retaining the pragmatic outcomes of existing global qualifications.
Danny chaired the Education Committee of The British Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong 2014-15, having vice-chaired the previous year. He continues to sit on the committee today.
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