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    Christopher Lopez Photo

    Christopher Lopez

    Systems Designer, New York City Department of Education

    New York City

    Christopher Lopez is a designer, creative strategist, and educator with a fluency in systems-thinking and user-centered design. He is currently teaching at Parsons School of Design and also works as a Systems Designer at the New York City Department of Education. He is a former public school educator with an MA in Teaching and an MFA in Transdisciplinary Design from Parsons School of Design.

    Christopher uses design as a craft, as an approach, as a tool, and as a language to make things, places, and interactions. His work includes a variety of creative and strategic projects that leverage systems-thinking and design to facilitate positive change and social innovations.

    His previous clients and partners include the NYC Mayor’s Office, the NYC Parks Department, The United Nations Children's Fund, Teach For America, the International Baccalaureate Programme, various schools and educational networks, philanthropists, community organizations, and non-profits.

    Christopher is also a Texas native, an avocado enthusiast, a playlist junkie, and a strong advocate for snail-mail.

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