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    Chris Juliano Photo

    Chris Juliano

    Talent Acquisition Manager, Rise Interactive


    Rise Interactive is a digital marketing agency that specializes in digital media, customer experience, and advanced analytics. They have received many accolades in regards to culture, such as Chicago’s 101 Best and Brightest Companies To Work For 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016 as well as Advertising Age's Best Places to Work 2015. Chris Juliano is the Talent Acquisition Manager who leads a team of one that hire fantastic people for a company with exponential growth. He has been with the organization since early 2015 and has made over 130 hires within an office that has tripled in size and needed to add over 26,000 square feet to accommodate. His favorite thing about Rise is the people because they are the heartbeat of the agency and create an amazing environment to be a part of.

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